No Perfect
People Allowed
at Beechwood Church
We long to be a community that loves you no matter what you’re struggling with. As humans, we all struggle.
We sin and make mistakes, BUT Jesus came into our world to put us back together.
The love of Jesus meets each of us right where we are, and if we are willing to follow, he gives us grace to grow.
Throughout the Gospels, we see imperfect people drawn to Jesus. When you think about it, they are people just like you and me.
We see that Jesus' top priority wasn’t the people who “had it all together.” Rather he intentionally spent time with the poor, sick, and broken sinners who were living as outcasts from society.
Everyone is important to him.
Our mission at Beechwood Church is to develop and grow a loving community that helps people of all backgrounds connect with Jesus. We strive to be a place that is “for people” and supports and encourages one another to grow in his grace.
So, no matter what your starting point is, we believe that God has a design or intention for you and we are committed to helping you discover that for your life.
That’s what we think community is all about.
We would love for you to join us - just as you are.