Beechwood WOMEN

We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when women come together.

Beechwood Women Summer Events!

Attention all Beechwood women!!
This summer we're committing to connect with others, have fun, move our bodies, and grow in relationship with Jesus!

Here are a few ways to participate:

All women are welcome to join every Monday morning beginning June 17 for a time of moving, prayer, and fellowship. We will meet at Reservoir at 7am and walk or run to Tunnel Park for a guided time of prayer overlooking gorgeous Lake Michigan. If plans change due to weather, a text will be sent out by Jody Cupples. All paces of walking/jogging welcome, but please know the route is approximately 3 miles, with the dune/stair climb in the middle. If you would like to skip the walk/run, join us for a time of prayer at Tunnel Park around 7:30am!

We are offering two separate Bible studies on either Thursday morning or evening. Each group will meet four times throughout the summer and have discussion based on the weekly study guide. Come when you can, each meeting can stand-alone.

  • Thursday Mornings at Barb Ellis' home will meet from 10-11:30am on
    June 27, July 11, July 25, and August 8.
  • Thursday Evenings at Tunnel Park will meet from 7-8:30pm on
    June 27, July 11, July 25, and August 8.

ALL are welcome for a time of community - this is a great event to invite your friends and/or make new friends!

  1. July 9 at 6:30pm at Deb Lenter's home - Come for a backyard hangout, bonfire, and potential pickleball tournament (BYOP- bring your own paddle ;)).
  2. August 16 at 6:30pm at Holland State Park - Watch boats by the channel and hang with friends. Please bring an easy snack to share.

Bring your kids for a summer play dates, kids of all ages, moms and grandmas welcome! Hosted by Brittany Lemmen, join us at 10am!

  • June 20 - Huizenga Park
  • July 18 - Kristen Eovaldis' backyard (290 Silver Ridge Dr.)
  • August 15 - Winstrom Park

Contact Women's Coordinator

Mieke Mutchler - Connections Coordinator