We're passionate about supporting local & global organizations, missions, and missionaries that align with our own Mission and Vision.Local Missions
A ministry started by Beechwood Church that is now run by our sister church, Alas de Aguila Holland. They provide layettes, clothing and support to new mothers with limited resources.
Each year our church gets the privilege of supporting the Ben's Hope Prom! It is such a special night filled with laughter, dancing, and JOY.
Read about it in the Holland Sentinel
Hand2Hand provides food for kids facing weekend hunger in West Michigan.
Kid's Hope partners local students with a caring, consistent adult who shows up each week—just for them, providing another source of encouragement and support for them to thrive. Contact Larissa if you are interested in being a mentor.
PLSM mission is to help students:
- Identify and develop their national abilities to affect positive change in their environment (Power)
- Develop a motive of love for their actions and public leadership (Love)
- Develop critical thinking skills and the ability to respond confidently to cultural realities and issues (Sound Mind)
They do this by facilitating immersion experiences and gathering for intentional dialogue around topics related to faith, culture and leadership.
Global Missions
Caribbean Christian Centre for the Deaf
Ben is the President of CCCD of North America and Krista is a deaf educator and curriculum director of CCCD.
CCCD exists to reach, tech and nurture the Deaf of Jamaica. Their mission is to enable full language access and affirmation in an inclusive community whereby knowledge is empowered to know the Lord appreciate diversity and understand the functions for the world.
Partner Ministry is Resonate Missions
The Carrigs are serving in the local church in the Wicklow, Ireland area through preaching and teaching, worship leading, developing ministry leaders and building relationships in which formative discipleship can happen. They are also pursuing a range of mission focused endeavors; such as, developing a network of house churches that seeks to both re-engage those who have become disillusioned with the institutional church and provide opportunity for seekers to explore the Christian faith. All the while, being attentive to the Spirit’s leading into other avenues where God is at work.
The Gortmaker family manage Arbol de Vida, a Christian camp and resource center in Guanacaste, Costa Rica.
Árbol de Vida’s vision is to create sustainability not long-term dependency, though they will promote long-term relationships with the local churches and communities. They endeavor to be a bridge to unite the church of Christ internationally and to fulfill the Great Commission: make disciples who make more disciples.
Focusing on Evangelism and Church Planting, Yakuv and his family serve in Nepal and also serve the Napali-speaking people living in the U.S.
IMPACT exists to build clean water systems for impoverished villages in remote areas of Honduras, and to enrich the spiritual lives of its U.S. volunteers and the Honduran villagers it serves.
Commission To Every Nation (CTEN) in church planting in Guadalajara, Mexico
Partnering with Commission To Every Nation (CTEN) in church planting in Guadalajara, Mexico. At Iglesia Radiante, Mike and Nayeli oversee young adult ministry, operational responsibilities and oversee their ministry center.
Mission India exists to see India changed by the love of Christ by equipping India's Christians to plant reproducing churches.
Haiti Foundation Against Poverty, Port au Prince, Haiti
HFAP has four different aspects to their ministry: Hope House is a licensed creche that provides respite health care for sick and malnourished children; Gift of Hope is a jobs program to train mothers to gain skills to support their family; they facilitate child sponsorships, and provide a free medical clinic.
University Christian Fellowship, Kampala, Uganda
Micah is involved in church planting among university students. His target is Uganda’s future leaders so they become disciples of Jesus and create an impact in Uganda. The church regularly has over 800 people in attendance each week. He is also involved in the training of rural pastors by running a Bible School where they can be trained.