Aaron Westhouse

Discipleship & Care Pastor
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Aaron has graciously served as our Discipleship Pastor since the summer of 2022 alongside his wife, Kayla, and daughters Evolette and Penelope. Aaron makes Beechwood better because of his emphasis on community, relationships, and spiritual growth. Despite most Michiganders who flock south for the winter, Aaron absolutely thrives in it. His (humble) brag is being great at anything involving bikes and even surviving a -30 degree ride. In addition to bikes, Aaron’s special skills include: all-things music, having readable penmanship, changing his facial hair to match the season, and accurately predicting the end of any movie.

“Community is how we understand our identity (ie. sports fan, hobbies, schools, even our church). Christian community is founded in the identity of Christ and the grace he has given us. At Beechwood we have found community which encourages us to grow more into who Christ has called us to be.”

Connect with Aaron

Aaron Westhouse - Discipleship Pastor (#22)